Grief & The Stupid Things That People Say Workshop

Grief & The Stupid Things That People Say

Sometimes the best we can do is laugh (or cry!) when someone says something stupid to us when we are grieving. Our society is largely grief illiterate, so often people say hurtful or insensitive things simply due to their own discomfort or lack of understanding. But how can we navigate such awkward social interactions? How do we learn to protect ourselves and not take it personally? And most importantly, how can we care for ourselves compassionately in those situations?

This 90 minute workshop will unpack these questions through group discussion, activities and personal reflection. Engaging with the world around us as we grieve can be challenging, so we allow levity to coexist with sorrow. Creating room to acknowledge the varied emotions that arise validates our experiences. Our desire is to feel heard and better resourced! To have some serious fun!

This topic emerged during a conversation in the grief support group Lighthouse Circle about how people truly say the most inappropriate things! Just a day after my mom passed away from lung cancer a neighbor casually said to me, "well smoking always gets you in the end." I sorta stumbled away from that interaction like, really? That is what you are going to say right now? You are going to blame my mom for her death? Luckily I was with my sister, we got into the car, looked at each and were like, what the f%&k? Having my sister there diffused the shock. That is what we offer in this workshop: we witness those horrible moments, allow some relief (cursing always encouraged!) and move forward without carrying the burden from the hurtful comment.

If you have ever grieved, no doubt then, you have experienced it yourself!

We would love for your to join, share your stories and find new ways to navigate the turbulence of grief.

Check HERE for more details or to register!

Wednesday, November 22nd at 7:30pm ~ 9:00pm JST JAPAN.
Wednesday, November 22nd at 5:30am~7:00am EST AMERICA

Looking forward to seeing you then!

Gretchen Miura